Hillary Clinton, of course, is like Microsoft.

Even Clinton's strategy is based on a model similar to the one that fueled Microsoft's rise: Gobble up enough money, talent and endorsements (i.e., market share) to squeeze out smaller competitors and become the ''inevitable'' choice.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, is like Apple.
His brand is driven primarily by its emotional appeal: He is exciting and fresh to some, hip and cool to others. Most important, his brand inspires hope and optimism, two exceedingly powerful emotions that allow people to make a statement about themselves by casting a vote for him. For many people, buying a Mac has been as much about making a statement about who they are as it has been about buying a piece of electronics.

Muy gracioso no? cropped text via RealClearPolitics, + blogger artwork + el mítico aviso de Apple de 1984: xa q el mundo no sea 1984.
gracias a dios estas vos Mlle P para que me quede bien claro el asunto.....now i get it!!!
in the end it's tan pendejo todo, no?
bah no sé que digo, me desdigo -es la teoría del entusiasmo + el lenguaje articulado como ventaja, la articulación ideológica de todas las acciones disfrazadas de acciones q son en rigor sólo introspección.
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