Sunday, July 24, 2011
El llamado de la libertad
Freedom: Bloquea el acceso a internet por hasta 8 horas. Variante de la técnica de Franzen cuando escribía la novela homónima, que pegaba sustancias en su puerto ethernet para no poder conectarse a internet. "Cuántos minutos de libertad desea Ud?" pregunta dulcemente la aplicación.
Rescue Time: No recomendado para personas obsesivas. Analytics de cómo administrás el tiempo en la computadora: cuánto tiempo en word, en fb, en skype, cuánto tiempo se pierde online.
Pomodoros: Disciplina para concentrarse en "pomodoros" de 15 minutos.
Opciones aledañas: desactivar la cuenta de facebook, pero no funciona realmente; tus amigos creen que dejaste de ser su amiga, que hay algo en ellos que se ha vuelto de pronto rechazable públicamente, y su mensaje plañidero encubre una protesta y rectificación urgente; pasos de baile de cortesía online que es preciso paliar con un uso indiscriminado de las técnicas listadas arriba.
Es una especie de Rehab (gracias por tu voz y tus canciones, Amy!!)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Lucian Freud
Yes, the body is a hideous thing,
the feet and genitals especially,
the human face not far behind. Blue veins
make snakes on the backs of hands, and mar
the marbled glassy massiveness of thighs.
Such clotted weight’s worth seeing after centuries
(Pygmalion to Canova) of the nude
as spirit’s outer form, a white flame: Psyche.
How wonderfully St. Gaudens’ slim Diana
stands balanced on one foot, in air, moon-cool,
forever! But no, flesh drags us down,
its mottled earth the painter’s avid ground,
earth innocently ugly, sound asleep,
poor nakedness, sunk angel, sack of phlegm.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Bible algorithm
JERUSALEM -- Software developed by an
Israeli team is giving intriguing new hin
ts about what researchers believe to be the multiple hands that wrote the Bible.
The new software analyzes style and word choices to distinguish parts of a single text written by different authors, and when applied to the Bible its algorithm teased out distinct writerly voices in the holy book.
The program, part of a sub-field of artificial intelligence studies known as authorship attribution, has a range of potential applications - from helping law enforcement to developing new computer programs for writers. But the Bible provided a tempting test case for the algorithm's creators.
For millions of Jews and Christians, it's a tenet of their faith that God is the author of the core text of the Hebrew Bible - the Torah, also known as the Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses. But since the advent of modern biblical scholarship, academic researchers have believed the text was written by a number of different authors whose work could be identified by seemingly different ideological agendas and linguistic styles and the different names they used for God.
magia y maldad pura :D
nótese dañel con la remera de los bombeiros fluminenses!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011