A Letter to Foxconn Colleagues
Dear Colleagues:
We enthusiastically welcome you to the Foxconn Technology Co. family!
To wish you happiness in crossing this career milestone into a great stage in your life, Foxconn has provided you with this: A workplace environment that will help you gain experience and wisdom; complete living facilities; various entertainment venues, learning and sports facilities, and activities; as well as a service staff that will help resolve difficulties.
Please know:1. If you or your colleagues come across frustrations, grievances, embarrassments in your work, daily activities, schooling, feelings, family life, or health, you can ask for help by calling our "Worker Care Center" hotline: 78585 (phonetically it sounds like "Please help me, help me"). The company will arrange a professional to help you or your colleague solve your problems. If your reports on your colleagues helps prevent an accident, the company will provide an adequate reward.
2. If you have other non-urgent problems, you can also contact the Complaints hotline: 15000, trade union hotline: 81111, employee suggestion box, and the trade union mailbox to make a report. The company will also dispatch a professional to solve the issue.
At the same time, please understand:
1. The company respects operational and management law, and respects and cares about the staff.
2. The way the company deals with employee accidents is based in national law and is in accordance with regulations, as well as the principles of the corporation and humane care. As for the accidents to employees (including suicide, self-mutilation, etc.), the company cannot pay more than what is regulated, but will actively cooperate with government departments according to the laws of compensation and will work out a reasonable pension.
The company is attaching importance to prevention programs, and will continue their expansion. As a reminder, the company has especially drafted this letter for you to sign.
Finally, wish you a smooth career and happy life with the Foxconn family!
Foxconn Technology Co.
May 2010
I am aware of the contents of the open letter as well as the variety of services and care the company is providing. I promise the following:
1. If I encounter problems and difficulties after entering the company, I will ask for help from the "Employee Care Center" and other related departments.
2. In terms of my own responsibilities, if I have great difficulties or frustrations I will reach out to relatives to resolve them or report them to the company director, I will also agree to contact and communicate with colleagues, personal staff and relatives. However, I will not harm myself or others; I agree that, in order for the company to protect me and others, it can send me to a hospital should I exhibit abnormal physical or mental problems.
3. In the event of non-accidental injuries (including suicide, self mutilation, etc.), I agree that the company has acted properly in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and will not sue the company, bring excessive demands, take drastic actions that would damage the company's reputation or cause trouble that would hurt normal operations.
I confirm that I have read and am aware of these issues
________________ (signature)
Employee number:
Residence number:
POST EDIT: Persona de 27 años muere después de trabajar 34 horas seguidas en Foxconn, suben la paga un 30% para evitar más suicidios pero sigue siendo por debajo del mínimo (Cult of Mac)
Seguro que tienes una solución más salvaje. Seguirás fabricándolos?
blumm, qué te parece ésta
The bad news seems to have started back in July 2009 when a young tech guy was implicated in the loss of an iPhone prototype
several of the employees may have had non-work-related reasons for their decision, that the statistics of clustering can often be surprising and make it seem like a conspiracy when it's really a coincidence, and that the suicide rate in China is higher than you may think.
This means Foxconn's statistics are actually commensurate with the suicide rate norms for such a large community as its workforce, and in fact the employee suicide rate is below what you may expect for a random sampling of Chinese citizens.
siguiendo este razonamiento (modus ponens sponsored by departamento de PR de Apple) en realidad Foxconn está salvado vidas!! Xq las tasas de suicidio en Foxconn son inferiores a las del resto de China.
!st class.
Nuestros amigos britones dicen esto.
Los señores de Foxxcon deberían considerar la delicadeza de sus empleados suicidas al elegir los pisos más altos para cumplir su cometido. La mayor duración de la caída otorga más tiempo para el arrepentimiento.
Hablando de amigos britones, no puedo contemerme a linkear esto:
Me parece seemliked, o perfecta.
Algunas razones más cuando... levantas la mano sobre ti misma
Ahora encontras en el mundo cosas que son similares a tus personajes.
Gracias nena.
¿De 12 casos 2 zafan?
¿Chinos de goma?
¿Por qué escriben la carta en inglés si la fábrica está en china y la fábricas es taiwanesa?
Si quieren detener los suicidios tienen que comprometerlos. Por cada suicidio en un mes le bajan 10% el sueldo a todos los empleados del departamento del suicida.
Claro que hay una trampa, si evitan que se suicide matándolo. Pero bueno, no toda solución es perfecta.
Bloody IPods
Impresionante documento gráfico. Y blog.
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