Sunday, April 20, 2008

what san francisco does to people

en una escena cortada de Vertigo de Hitchcock, el marido de Madeleine (versión rubia de Judy) dice:
You know what San Francisco does to people who have never seen it before... Everything about the city excited her; she had to walk all the hills, explore the edge of the ocean, see all the old houses and wander the old streets; and when she came upon something unchanged, something that was as it had been, her delight was so strong, so fiercely possessive! These things were hers.
La primera vez que vine a SF agarré Vertigo en la tele. Paraba cerca de donde vivía Scottie (James Stewart), Columbus abajo, atrás de Chinatown.
Ahora vivo a la vuelta de The Empire Hotel, que es donde vive Judy (Madeleine morocha): ahí la va a buscar Scottie, poseso. En un rato nos vamos al palace of Fine Arts, donde Madeleine y Scottie pasean enamorados.
Pero ni rubia, ni morocha: pe-li-roja.


girlontape said...

ay mamita! me matas con esa cabellera!

Anonymous said...

la foto esta muy buena, la anterior también pola!
una pinup!

Anonymous said...

ya te lo dije, envidio no conocer frisco. el rojo te va bien.

Anonymous said...

Vivi a hora y media de San Francisco por 3 anios, and I left my heart there.

It is a great city! un perfecto sube y baja y Sausalito delicious!

Have fun

Pola said...
